October 8, 2020

Today the hero Mr. Hubert Rauw, a member of the Belgian 17th Fusilier Battalion, celebrates his 93rd birthday.

Today the hero Mr. Hubert Rauw, a member of the Belgian 17th Fusilier Battalion, celebrates his 93rd birthday.

Dnes slaví 93. narozeniny hrdina, osvoboditel západních Čech, náš přítel, skvělý a skromný člověk, pan Hubert Rauw, příslušník 17. praporu belgických střelců. Přejeme touto cestou všechno nejlepší a hodně zdraví!!! Aujourd’hui, le héros, le libérateur de la Bohême occidentale, notre ami, grand et humble homme, M. Hubert Rauw, membre du 17e bataillon de fusiliers…

September 23, 2020

New Patton Memorial Pilsen museum webpage!!!

New Patton Memorial Pilsen museum webpage!!!

Are you interested in the exhibition, which was opened on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy? Are you interested in news, facts about the liberation of Western Bohemia? So, you are in the right place!!! The museum is open from Wednesday to Sunday, from…